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HATE, it might sounds cruel condemning other people's works. Here I’m referring to certain elements that a blog includes beyond the essential in its design. Nevertheless few of these elements have been personally developed and that are not considered as a mistake, mostly I disclose them as such annoying by the way. And I have come across 5 deadly distractions that make me leaving those websites. things I hate from a blog Photo: credit to Maya Ibuki 1. Embedded / background music Hey stop this sound! I really mean it. Sound playing on websites can be disturbing, and often there is no option to disable this noise. Noise? It may be a melody to your ears, but to me, it’s just noise especially if there is no useful need for the music. Without the control to turn it off, I would simply leave your blog, sorry. I know it's easy to block embedded audio like we react to ads and pop-ups. Do you expect me to turn my speakers off?. However I wouldn't discourage an interactive experience from any website or blog, just let me be the judge if I want some media start playing right away during the page loads. I would exclude a website which commonly promotes music album or songs. So, It's ok to include music clips on this kind of websites, but give me the choice to listen. 2. Pop-up windows One question, Why do so many people have pop-up blocker enabled?. Because most of us hate pop-up windows!. I am really got bothered by pop-ups that appear as early as I begin reading an article. The biggest drawback with pop-ups is that they take my focus away from the browser window. In most cases, it distracts me from the content of the website by dragging my eyes off the content. So are they actually useful features?. Aside from accessibility, they also present general usability issues. I agree in such event, pop-ups will do its functions for a reader. Therefore we need designing them in a way that it behaves only when the reader has have sufficient time to gain access our content. 3. Flash / Slider In this day and age, I'm looking for websites that load quickly to find information. Whereas flash animation undoubtedly enhances a website presentation and gives modern look to it. Therefore good looking website can also be a bonus and factor behind my revisit. BTW this flashing element, sometimes, would take longer than usual to load. As a potential reader, it loses me. That's about a flash website. Lets moving on a blog that integrate live action with a slider. The slider itself occupies most of the space in top section. So the article has been pushed down and asked me to scroll down even to see the post title. Except for photoblogs and profile page, why don't they just depend on text displaying most recent and popular posts?. 4. Animated / motion Back in the days people use scrolling text, marquees, and constantly running animations. Sure, they might be using it to get the visitor’s attention, but since moving elements have an overpowering effect on my vision, it’s just going to become an annoyance; Nothing more than a distraction. And nowadays I've noticed twitter bird flying around on many blogs. So this looping animation might be cute within few seconds but after that it becomes awfully annoying. I'm often reluctant from visiting back if many unnecessary animations on your blog. 5. Horizontal scroll bar There’s something very awkward about scrolling to the left and right. It's not natural for me to scroll sideways. It seems like I'm holding a small torchlight when reading in the dark. Although most web designers, I believe, have tried to avoid this situation for readers such as reducing small amount of pixels from main fixed grid, it's hard to compromise with various screen resolutions in the market. Unless they approach their designs with fluidity concept in mind. Of course, there are other ways around to use those elements without distracting our readers. I hope you enjoyed this post.

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